Pony Countdown


Until I figure out how to embed this again, open the link in a new tab!

Turn on Shuffle and Repeat for added fun!

Monday, November 24, 2008


Hey Jered, make sure Bubba sees my blog and comments on it please. Oh and does Bubba have a email adress?

Sunday, November 23, 2008



Cool stuff and 1 cute thing:

So, Exciting news; I'm going strait from president to 1st counselor in my change from deacon to teacher' So I get to be in the presidency but not have to go to all the extra meetings, AND I get to prepare the sacrament and usher] I thought I'd just tell you that} Oh and here's Seth: And my computer isn't letting me use periods and exclamation points, again GRRRRRRRRRRRR

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Another New Blog!

Mckay was inspired by me and He started a blog also. It's What is life without legos? at http://moopstersblogy.blogspot.com/ I helped him alot with it.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

THe Job Rocks

So I tried out my Job and it really wasn't bad, It went by quickly and it was easy, And I'll Get paid for it. Now I'M really Excited, I loved it, ANd My computer is still not letting me use Periods or exclamation marks??????????????????????????????????????????????/


Hey I just noticed this, If you get it right, The nova clock beats out the timing of Imperial march Tempo

New Stuff::::::::::

Guess What Every-Peoples? I mixed up my blog; I added, switched, and moved it in most ways possible: And I totally juiced up the playlist and now have over 50 songs, I'm so excited to see style what you thinkD, Comment please' I didn't use any periods because my computer is acting stupid and won't let me use periods/

Monday, November 17, 2008


Post 2: hey! Um, I'm not sure why I'm doing this post...I guess I just want to. So, I'm homeschooling this year, I'm doing k12 and I'm emjoying it a lot. I just want to say that I am enjoying life. O.K. I'm done

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Hey Everybody!

Post 1: I got a JOB!!!!! I have finnaly got a actual working, getting-paid-this-much-a-week, Job! I get to work at a flower shop for someone in our ward! She said that I would start at 20$ a week. Im so excited!
