Pony Countdown


Until I figure out how to embed this again, open the link in a new tab!

Turn on Shuffle and Repeat for added fun!

Sunday, May 2, 2010


Two new things I neeed to record for posteritys sake.
1. My cat had kittens today. It looks about 3 of them. We have to many cats already so please if anybody would take them please comment and say you would. Please do. They're adorable.
2. If you would look at my last post, would would be reading about ahat will be known as THE GREAT COOKIE PROJECT!  It was extremly successful. We raised about $4,550. Thank you to everyone that participated in the giving. We gave them the money today and they cried and thanked us over and over again for about a half-hour. Spirtual Experiences all around.
That's all for now, folks!
